
sdsu center for Commuter Life is for you!

The Center for Commuter Life (CCL) is a home base for students who live off campus and utilize various modes of transportation to travel to and from SDSU. It can be very easy to fall into a routine of traveling to campus for class then leaving. Finding your place, making friends, and connecting academically and socially to campus are keys to your success at SDSU. 

The CCL staff are dedicated to creating an on-campus community for commuter students while providing support through student success pathways, coordinated care and general advising, workshops, peer mentoring programs, events, and resources designed specifically for you! 

Commuter Students holding cutouts of the commuter logos outside of student union


Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I get parking information from?

How do I purchase an SDSU parking permit?

Where is the Commuter Resource Center located?

Does the Center for Commuter Life have a microwave and fridge?

How do I talk to an academic advisor?

How do I get a mentor?

What are Commuter Success Pathways?

How do I know about the upcoming events?




Commuter Student Fun Facts

Over 85% of today’s college students live off-campus

Over 80% of undergraduates work, with 46% of full time students working 25 hours or more a week


Success Links